Saiba onde encontrar os Melhores Leilões de Motos

Find out where to find the Best Motorcycle Auctions

The Best Motorcycle Auctions are those carried out safely, compliantly and within the law. There are countless fake auction houses that simply harm candidates, taking advantage and charging absurd fees!


So, let's get to know the best motorcycle auction sites; all of them accredited and with a guarantee seal Safe Auction.

How does the motorcycle auction work?

Traffic agencies and financial institutions seize illegal motorcycles or those with outstanding debts, and subsequently put them into disrepair. lots and make them available to the public to purchase for up to half the price.


In this way, the lots are displayed in auditoriums (in-person/virtual) and candidates place bids, and the highest bidder wins; however, there are a number of factors to consider.


Furthermore, it is necessary to analyze not only the item but also the website/auction house from which the items were purchased; in order to not have a loss, instead of some profit on the auctioned vehicle.

Where to find the best motorcycle auctions?

The best motorcycle auctions are on banking institutions' websites; as they are auction houses with accredited and trustworthy data and information.

Therefore, although it is possible to find good motorcycle auctions through a simple Google search, it is more certain to extract such auctions from competent bodies.

Furthermore, there are those who say that the best motorcycle auctions are those at Detran; and in part yes, but unlike conventional auctions, at Detran the candidate bears all the pending issues for the vehicle.

See some reliable sites where you can find the best motorcycle auctions

read more: How to participate in a Used Car Auction?

Mega Auctions

Through official site Mega Auctions, it is possible to see numerous good auction offers for used and seized motorcycles. Since the entire procedure is carried out completely online, and has action buttons for immediate contact.

There are items with 40-50% of reduced market value, with close dates and clear values for each lot. It is a partner site of Santander Bank and other big names.

It has the Secure Auction seal and has been on the market for a long time. Being considered by many one of the best auction houses with the best motorcycle auctions.

AJ Auctions

By accessing the official site AJ Leilões, it is possible to analyze and confirm your partnership with Banco Bradesco. Like the previous one, and with other banking institutions that use their courtyards as auditoriums for auctioning seized assets.

With great relevance in the in-person auction, it is gradually migrating to the online modality. Since it is possible to follow the auction agenda, contact and registration tab.

It has great reputation in the market and credibility with the main institutions for auctioned items; as it has the Secure Auction seal.

How do you know if the auction is safe?

By analyzing the notice, company credibility and organization of the event, it is possible to have a basis regarding the security and reliability of the auction. Since there is an online tool, Leilão Seguro, which seals the trustworthy auction bodies.

The organization has a database with information on all auction houses in Brazil; since only with the name or some contact details registered, it is possible to obtain all the information and prevent any fraud.

So which of the auction houses above do you think have the best motorcycle auctions?