How to Get a Free Food Basket and Where to Request Delivery

Food security is a fundamental right of the entire population, guaranteeing access to basic foods to meet daily needs.


In times of economic hardship, many Brazilian families face challenges in ensuring food on the table. To help in this scenario, there are government and social organization programs that provide food delivery. BASIC FOOD BASKETS, including the possibility of obtaining a card BASIC BASKET, in some municipalities, to purchase essential foods.

If you want to know how to get yours BASIC BASKET free, this article will explain everything you need to know to access this benefit and ensure greater food security for your family.


Como Conseguir Cesta Básica Gratuita e Onde Solicitar a Entrega
Basic Food Basket Source: Falamart

What is the Basic Basket Card and How Does It Work?

The card BASIC BASKET is a social benefit created to replace the physical delivery of food. Instead of receiving the products directly, the beneficiary families receive a card that is recharged monthly with a specific amount, allowing them to purchase food at registered establishments. This assistance model is used by several city halls and state governments, in addition to being adopted by companies that offer benefits to their employees. 


If the benefit is not transferred in this way (on a card) in your municipality, it will certainly be transferred to your beneficiaries in some other way, and one of the options is the delivery of a physical food basket. 

However, the main advantage of the card BASIC BASKET is flexibility, allowing families to choose items according to their dietary needs and preferences.

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Who can receive the Basic Food Basket?

The target audience of the card BASIC BASKET and the delivery of BASIC FOOD BASKETS are families in a situation of social vulnerability and food insecurity.

To be eligible for the benefit, you generally need to:

  • Be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).
  • Have a per capita family income below a certain value defined by the social program.
  • Reside in municipalities that have programs for distributing basic food baskets or food cards.
  • Be a beneficiary of other assistance programs, such as Bolsa Família or Auxílio Brasil.

In addition to the government, NGOs, churches and city halls also have their own criteria for granting this benefit. It is recommended that you check with your local social services office to find out what the requirements and documents needed for registration are.

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How does the delivery of basic food baskets work?

The delivery of BASIC FOOD BASKETS can be done in different ways, depending on the program or institution providing the benefit. The main formats include:

  • In-person collection: Beneficiaries must go to a specific location to collect the basket.
  • Home delivery: In some cases, the baskets are delivered directly to the homes of registered families.
  • Basic food basket card: Beneficiaries receive a card to purchase food as needed.

Each program has specific rules, such as required documentation and eligibility criteria. Therefore, it is essential to contact the responsible agencies to ensure that you receive the program.

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How to Get a Free Basic Food Basket?

If you are in a vulnerable situation, having difficulty providing for your family's (and your own) subsistence, see how you can apply for the benefit BASIC BASKET:

  • O Single Registry for Federal Government Social Programs (CadÚnico) is the main gateway to various social benefits, including programs that offer basic food baskets or assistance with purchasing food;
  • To register, simply go to the nearest Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS), taking personal documents and proof of residence;
  • When you get there, request an appointment with the technical reference team (psychologist and social worker); 
  • At this time, it will be assessed whether you actually meet the requirements to receive the benefit; 
  • It may also be necessary to carry out home visits to prove the need. 

If you are already registered in the Single Registry (have the NIS number) and still do not receive the benefit BASIC BASKET, you can also go to CRAS and go through the same process. There is a possibility that you are not eligible to receive it, but there is a possibility that you will receive it. Follow the recommended process. This will be your first step. 

Learn more about the Basic Food Basket benefit


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